Hotmelt adhesives in label production

Labels are one of the most popular means of identifying products and goods. They are used in many industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals, as well as retail and services. In addition to declining solvent products, water-based adhesives and UV light-curing adhesives, label production is making significant use of hot-melt adhesives.

PSA hotmelt adhesive for labels

Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA, from Pressure Sensitive Adhesives,) are formulated from thermoplastic compounds and applied in the molten state. Surface bonding takes place quickly as the adhesive cools. PSA hotmelt adhesives are characterised by good peel strength and a high level of adhesion, while shear strength at room temperature is high. They are suitable for a variety of label types, including deep-frozen food labels and other applications in wet and cold environments where the performance of water-based acrylics would be unsatisfactory. Hot-melt materials perform well on high-speed machines. The almost complete absence of visible adhesive lines also makes them suitable for labelling glass containers and producing transparent labels.

Over the years, label converters have shown a growing interest in using siliconisation and adhesive coating techniques to produce all or part of self-adhesive materials. A combination of economic uncertainty and new technologies in the industry has helped to increase the degree to which labels are produced entirely in-house. However, attempts to reduce production costs, increase market independence are still the main reason for this

What types of PSA hot melt adhesives are there?

To meet market expectations Dynamic HT offers a wide portfolio of PSA hot melt adhesives, allowing the production of almost any type of tape and label, including:• transparent (no-label look) • flexible • removable • for thermal transfer papers • for courier envelopes and shipping labels • for low surface energy surfaces / tyres • for liner and linerless applications • for in-line application on bottles, cans and jars

Equipment solutions for hotmelt adhesive applicators

Our company also offers a range of hardware solutions for tape and label production. These range from fully customisable adhesive sources with the ability to fine-tune for the most demanding applications, to high-tech applicators.
Our solutions include:

  • cylindrical technologies
  • slot-head applications
  • spray applications
  • curtain applications

A variety of solutions allows us to support customers with full-surface, as well as selective longitudinal and transverse coatings, which allows, on the one hand, material savings and, on the other, the production of sophisticated and complex products, generating adhesive patterns such as stripes or frames.

Our personalised gluing stations allow customers to integrate them into existing printing presses or laminating machines, allowing new products to be created with minimal effort and new markets to be reached without complicated machine upgrades or lengthy staff training.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the field of adhesives and adhesive applicators for self-adhesive materials, our team of professionals is here to help any customer interested in tape and label production. If you would like to find out how to effectively reduce the costs involved in this process, please feel free to contact our sales department.